Our rules

  • The Donations are not negotiable. Exception could be for long time bookings. 2days and more.
  • Travel time is not charged but travel costs are not included in the price.
  • There are services included in the price and extra services. Please check what is offered to avoid any misunderstanding during the meeting.
  • Advanced booking is welcome. The sooner you make booking the bigger chance is to be available. The minimum advanced booking time is 2 hours before the meeting.
  • Make contact directly on email, phone number or via booking form. Don´t forget to mention some informations about yourself like your name, phone number, age, interests, meeting place, etc...
  • If the booking should be abroad the travel costs have to paid first. Please contact us and agree how to proceed with air tickets, train tickets, etc...
  • Before the meeting please make sure you are freshly showered, good smell from mounth, smell nice, etc...Please be a gentleman. This will be appreciated and generously rewarded.

Book Escort


We work with complete professionalism & discretion, which is very important to me. We provide female and male companions 21 years old or older for one on one dating for professional gentlemen and ladies 30 years old or older.

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